V is for Vasilisa the beautiful

This week theme for #AnimalAlphabet on Twitter was “V is for Vasilisa the fair/beautiful”.

Vasilisa is a Russian Fairytale about a beautiful girl who have to face up a cruel stepmother and an evil witch (Baba Yaga)  but that with the help of a magic doll wins despite everything and find the love of the Tsar.

I decided to go for an illustration that could suit a book cover. I used a super basic comic/cartoonish style, with flat colors and black outline.

I imagined the magic doll connected to Vasilisa with her cape, and Baba Yaga and the Prince on her side like “the bad” and “the good”, “hate” and “love”.

To draw Vasilisa I was a little inspired by Russian iconography.

When Darkness compels, love will break the spell!

Hope you like it!


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